Google Slides Basics to Edit your Template

I am so excited to teach you a little bit about Google Slides today.  I used PowerPoint for years and years as an event planner but I converted over to the Google Doc Suite about 5 years ago and didn’t look back.

A few of my favorite things about Google Slides:

  • AUTOSAVE | It automatically saves my work in real-time.  So if my laptop dies unexpectedly or if my web browser freezes since I’ve had my computer on for weeks and weeks (oops) I don’t lose a minute of the work I’ve put in.
  • USE IT ANYWHERE |  These days we have SO MANY DEVICES in our lives.  If you’re logged into your Google/Gmail account then you have access to your documents where ever you are.  I typically always use Google Chrome as my web browser on my iphone and my computers and have my Google Drive in my bookmarks bar for easy access
  • SHARING |  Not only can you access your files anywhere but you can also share them with others and everyone can be in the same file/document at the SAME TIME.  This works great when there’s a group all working on the same project, for example, vacation planning, shopping lists, schedules, etc.
  • It’s FREEEEEE!  Thank you Google!

On to the tutorial!

I’m going to assume you’ve uploaded your PPTX file template to your Google Drive. –> Follow my other post if you need help with this: uploading your PPTX File

(SIDE NOTE: You’ll know it’s the pptx file when you look at the end of the file name and it ends with “.pptx”)


You’re starting with just a blank Google Slides file to practice on.

Editing Text Boxes

All the editable digital products from my Etsy store can be opened in Google Slides (the .pptx files, not .jpeg or .pdf).

You’ll find text boxes set up throughout the file once opened.

All you have to do is click on the text box you want to change and then edit the text already there.

In the toolbar above you can change the font, size, boldness, and more.  It’s super similar and very familiar thanks to Microsoft Word.

text box shown in google slides

Adding more fonts to your collection

If you don’t see a font you love, it’s super easy to add more to your collection.

Just click on More Fonts in the font dropdown menu as shown

adding new fonts to Google Slid

Select a few fonts you want to try out and select OK at the bottom.

You’ll now find these fonts in your dropdown list any time you use Google Slides.


Background images versus clipart in Google Slides

Depending on the template you’ve purchased from my store, there will be background images or clipart included in the file.

Background images cannot be changed or manipulated.

Example of a background image:

The example has text boxes set up on top of the background where you can edit the text.

In other templates available from my store there are images or clipart that are already included in the file.


These images can be moved around the page like you would a sticker.  They can also be rotated, deleted, or resized.  Instead of deleting them, you’ll want to move them off the page (the white box is what will print) so that you can save them for any edits down the road.  After deleting them, the only way to access them again is by re-downloading your purchased file from Etsy.

Zooming in and out in Google Slides

Sometimes you need a better view of what you’re editing.

Use the zoom feature to get a closer look at what you’re doing.

At the top of the page select View > Zoom > 200% (or whatever percent you need)

To Zoom out select View > Zoom > 100%

Formatting clipart and text boxes

Sometimes those textboxes or images don’t quite line up the way you want when you’re moving them around with your mouse.  The best way to give it a nudge is using Google Slides Formatting options.

To open the tool window on the right-hand side go to the top of the page and select Format > Format Option

This will open the formatting window over on the right-hand side.

Then slightly nudge your item up/down/left/right —

Click on your item (clipart, shape or text box) and the choose Position on the right.  Slightly change the numbers under X to go left or right.  Slightly change the numbers under Y to go up or down.  …..and when I say slightly, I mean like 5.03 to 5.05 OR 7.22 to 7.25.  Sometimes it takes a few tries to get the hang of it.  You’ll get a little faster at estimating the more you do it.


Well, that’s about it for now!  Those are the main tools you’ll be using to edit your template from my store in Google Slides.  I hope that was helpful to get you started.

Remember, it’s about the journey and not the destination!  Congrats on learning something new.

If you have any questions or if there’s another tutorial you’d like to see, feel free to leave a comment below or you’re welcome to message me here or on Etsy.


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Hi! I'm Mindy.

Join me in my search for great household organizational tools to keep us sane in this crazy beautiful world.
Here you’ll find tutorials and information about my digital printables available in my Etsy Shop as well as thoughts and research from my journey. 

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